overall mass of the calves.
EXECUTION: (1) Stand with your toes on
the block of a standing Calf Raise
machine, your heels extended out into
space. Hook your shoulders under the
pads and straighten your legs, lifting the
weight clear of the support. Lower your
heels as far as possible toward the floor,
keeping your knees slightly bent
throughout the movement in order to
work the lower area of the calves as
well as the upper, and feeling the calf
muscles stretch to the maximum. I like a
block that is high enough so that I get a
full stretch when I lower my heels. (2)
From the bottom of the movement, come
up on your toes as far as possible. The
weight should be heavy enough to
exercise the calves, but not so heavy that
you cannot come all the way up for most
of your repetitions.
When you are too tired to do
complete repetitions, finish off the set
with a series of partial movements to
increase the intensity of the exercise