Spicy Chicken Jambalaya


Delicious chicken jamabalaya!! add some extra kick and taste to the otherwise monotonous chicken and brown rice . The magic of this dish lies simply in the spices used. This is great because spices add no extra calories and bring extra fat burning and anti oxidizing properties to food.

Chicken Marinade spices –> paprika powder,diced onions, pinch of salt, tomato puree, garlic powder, thyme, rosemary, coriander,curcuma powder, black pepper, and cayenne pepper powder. Sounds like alot!! but just a bit of everything creates and awesome smell and flavor. Mix 1-2 table spoons of olive oil into a pan and marinade the chicken in this mix before lightly cooking it.

Brown rice –> make it fit your diet structure obviously , but i recommend making this recipe in a larger amount and then saving it for various meals. Its very convenient and fast to make

Once the Brown rice is almost finished cooking in a boiling pot, drain it and mix it with the chicken , I reccommend a 1:1 ratio of chicken to rice but this is not set in stone of course.

Lightly cook the mixed chicken and rice in a pan and then add the following –> finely diced red pepper, more coriander powder, cayenne pepper, Cuminum (komijn) spice , some more black pepper . Once again add a bit of each spice and continuously taste it till you like the balance of the spices. Everyone may like it slightly different. I for one add extra cayenne pepper because i like it spicy!!

Bon appetite